Responsible and involved plywood manufacturers!

Brugère, our specialist in wood peeling and manufacturer of plywood panels is a member of the Union of Plywood Panel Industries. The UIPC, spokesperson for the profession, was born out of a real desire of business leaders to come together around common interests, to defend and promote the specific features of their profession and their products.

On the occasion of the activity resumption in France "post containment", the Union of Plywood Panel Industries published a press release in order to draw the attention of elected officials and business leaders to the imperative necessity of a restart of the activity, on the whole value chain. This is to capitalize on the solidarity efforts and the risks taken by the panel manufacturers, in order to save jobs and contribute to the sustainability of their activities.

At a time when the country is facing an exceptionally perilous situation, the industrialists united within the Union of Plywood Panel Industries (UIPC) have chosen to play "civic and supportive"


From mid-March, plywood manufacturers showed a determined willingness to manage this health and economic crisis: while the factories had been shut down following the announcement of the containment, they organized themselves in less than 2 weeks to restart the production tool; thus responding to the call of President Macron and assuming their socio-economic responsibilities towards their employees, as well as their economic partners (suppliers, distributors, customers).

One objective: to put in place all the necessary and possible means, whatever the cost, to ensure their employees' health security and sustainable employment.

In permanent contact, and with the support of their Professional Organization, the managers shared their analyses and experiences in the implementation of business continuity plans, a reflection enriched by the publication of the "Entreprises Industries Bois Ameublement" good practice guide (a tour de force of solidarity and collaboration in the forestry and wood industry). They have organized collectively to order the PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) needed for a rapid restart.

The wager was taken up! From April 1, the first production sites were able to resume production in complete safety, followed by the others the following week. More than 85% of the available employees, called on a voluntary basis, were present. For a month now, the French plywood manufacturing activity has been producing at 70% of its capacity without any real problem of log supply, insofar as the forest operators, secured in their continuity of activity by the resumption of the processing industries, have also played the game.


However, in spite of the economic risks taken in a citizen's concern not to increase the national bill, and although congratulated on the ground for the quality of the continuation plans put in place, industrialists are reduced, today, to consider again the partial or total cessation of production. 

Although the intra-European export markets (construction, industry), active in some EU countries, have at least helped to fuel the recovery of activity, the slow recovery in the Construction and Industry sectors in France has led to a level of insecurity that is harmful for all upstream suppliers in the forest-wood sector, as well as other sectors affected.  

This is why the industrialists of the IUPCD are today calling for awareness, the strictest civic-mindedness and the strongest sense of responsibility on the part of each elected representative, as well as each company, as the only ones capable of very quickly lifting the brakes on the simultaneous restart of all activities, particularly in the construction and commercial industries, as they believed it their duty to do their part. 

Indeed, without a rapid restart of the most downstream markets and activities of our economy, the efforts of solidarity and the risks taken by the more upstream sectors of these various sectors will have been in vain and could contribute to their own loss. 

This press release is co-signed by the major names in French plywood industry : Allin SA, Brugère, Joubert Plywood, Groupe Thebault, NP Rolpin, R. Drouin, Malvaux, Ober.