Virtuous Trend : virtuous design and ethical decorations

Vincent Grégoire (from the trendings Nelly Rodi ) decrypts the theme favoring slow design, the respect of the environment and local production.

More ethical and ecological for the home and decoration market.


With the green awareness increasingly present in our consumer habits, the theme Virtuous presented at the Maison&Object questioned the impact of this mindset on our methods of production. The consumer is taking back control of their purchaces, with interest in ethical and traceable solutions. This awareness directly impacts the world of home, decoration and design. The Manufactures Février, aware of our responsibility to the planet, have implemented measures to improve our production process, by gathering rain water and using recycled and recyclable materials. A greener production, more social and local, a sort of green circle, which guides those involved in the home market towards a more sustainable and ecological future. /p>

Revaluation of expertise and craftmanship

CConcretely, the Virtuous trend means placing humans as the center of concern, notably during the production process. Treasuring the artisanal, the meaning of work, the passing-on of expertise and cultural heritage are important factors in all sectors of the home market: tableware, household linens, accessories and decorative objects, furniture.

The Manufactures Février
chose to perpetuate the artisanal tradition and the expertise of its teams, while training them in the innovations of mechanical engineering, with products where the finishing is done by hand.

Materials and production techniques are once again elevated to their rightful place : cork, largely forgotten in decoration reappears in furniture, lighting and office accessories due to its 100% natural value; hemp, in solid or fibrous form, is once again an object of interest in interior decoration for its multiple applications and green power ; cane will cover the counters, couches and chairs of our interiors in 2019.

Virtuous and the movement of slow design

favela chair freres campana

The Virtuous theme at Maison&Object has joined the movement of slow design, a trend started in the early 2000s. Slow design questions our relationship with time and beckons us to slow our methods of productions and consumption. It flows opposite of overconsumption and overproduction, of disposable goods. To follow the principles of slow design in production is to recycle, use a minimum of raw materials to limit waste, to use the least polluting production methods possible, among others. The designs most active are the French 5,5 designers, the Brazilian borthers Campana as well as the Dutch Piet Hein Eek.

2 questions for Vincent Gregoire from the trendings Nelly Rodi on the Virtuous theme. 

What is the starting point for the Virtuous theme?

(..) we need new rules, a more virtuous ethic, alternative solutions and alternative growth, an alternative consumption (..) We must respect ourselves as humans and respect nature, save our resources and give to future generations, fight against programed obsolescence that poses such a challenge for the 21st century. Opting for this virtuous cycle is to provide new energy to the profit of all.

What are Virtuous’ values?

A production that defends the “makers” and solidarity amoung artisans by upcycling or refurbishing. The environmental is based on sustainable development, on alternative materials, on the potential of the ocean. The local is attached to the necessity of traceability and made in France. The human, finally, relies on the social dimension, fair and the questioning of all production.