
A French industrial group

founded by the investor and businessman Christophe Février


A French industrial group founded by the investor and businessman Christophe Février, our mission is to design, develop, finance and outfit personalized living spaces using aesthetically-pleasing, durable products and services that are 100% Made in France.



A major energy transition player in France and abroad, our group is known as a visionary and an avant-garde thinker in the production of energy savings and engineering solutions for manufacturers, professionals, municipalities and individuals.


Entrepreneurship : is the key word to describe Christophe Février, 48 year old visionary, a father of four, CEO of LES MANUFACTURES FEVRIER, the brand of the family holding company G Groupe X, made up of 8 businesses which participate in a coherent ecosystem with a great and respectful vision of the environment and sustainable development.


TBased in France and governed by French law, Les Manufactures Février has created over 500 jobs domestically and abroad.


Relying on the role of jobs in social advancement and as a tool for reducing inequalities, Christophe Février draws from his own personal experience, his strong will to develop his businesses while promoting young talents arriving on the job market.


Environmental concerns are at the core of his thinking. Faced with the craze of climate change skeptics, he argues that an entrepreneur must not only support but provoke societal change: that’s why he created the site mesampoulesgratuites.fr. A simple common sense idea, in humanity’s image : support a massive energy transition in France by proposing free or discount LED light bulbs, depending on the income of beneficiaries. The results were incredible, with energy savings on electricity bills totalling the equivalent of the consumption of 100 000 homes. And that’s only the tip of the iceberg.


Christophe Février sees himself as a modern entrepreneur, open and close to the issues of our time. This is reflected in his diversity-oriented hiring policy. He likes to point out : « My driving force is others, my collaborators. Their support is paramount » as well as bold investments in industrial recovery.


In 2010, he bought the company VALENTIN THIERION specializing in traditional champagne bottling and in just two years gave them a leadership status. Building on this success four years later, he takes a chance on TecSOM. Specializing in textile floor creation, this business allowed him to develop a network of distributors and sales agents in 63 countries. His goal : promote French excellence as a shield against globalization.


This state of mind pushed him to takeover the HESS factories comprised of 3 first and second stage wood processing companies : Brugère (peeling), Régnier (molded plywood for seats) and Cardineau (molded plywood design). Thus fulfilling a two-fold commitment: sustainable forest management and the preservation of jobs in a hard-hit region.


His taste for entrepreneurship led him to invest in the media industry, not to participate in public debates, but in order to promote the values of dynamism, transmission and sharing of knowledge. He financed the development of Flair Productions, specializing in quality, original documentaries on rare societal issues.


Future ambitions, Christophe Février has plenty : he created an endowment fund for children, culture and sports in 2017 and continues to pursue his artistic sponsorship actions. A way to give back what life gave him and to give a chance to those who have something to offer.